ADOPTED- MAY 13, 2003
Agenda Item No. 9
Introduced by the Finance Committee of the:
WHEREAS, Ingham County government is committed to assuring the provision of services most
important to its citizens; and
WHEREAS, it has been determined that Ingham County services are focused on these long term
*Enhancing access to county records
*Providing suitable roads and drains
*Supporting recreational opportunities
*Fostering economic well being
*Promoting environmental protection
*Preventing and controlling disease
*Assuring accessible health care
*Assisting in meeting basic needs
*Fostering appropriate youth development
*Enhancing public safety
*Assuring judicial processing
*Providing appropriate sanctions; and
WHEREAS, it has also been determined that these services are to be delivered in a manner which
* An educated and participating citizenry
* An ongoing capacity for intergovernmental collaboration
* A quality workforce
* Cost-effective delivery of county services
* Maximum use of technology; and
WHEREAS, the county is beginning the process of developing its 2004 budget and activities, which
determines the type and level of services to be provided; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has assessed information provided by county staff and
departments, offices and the courts related to issues and concerns which are important for the county
to consider addressing in 2004; and
ADOPTED-MAY 13, 2003Agenda Item No. 9
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has determined that it is desirable to develop a priority
statement to guide the development of the 2004 budget and activities of county staff.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Ingham County Board of Commissioners adopts the
following statement of priorities to be considered by county departments and budget staff in
developing proposed activities and budgets in the Controller's Recommended Budget for 2004:
To the extent possible and appropriate, services currently provided by county government in support
of all its long term objectives should be continued in 2004, with ongoing evaluation to identify
possible overlap and duplication of services and to identify more efficient uses of county funds.
Priority consideration should be given to maintaining and enhancing the following long term
objectives and related specific efforts:
Assuring Accessible Health Care
- �Continue to expand access to health care for the uninsured and under-insured, focusing on
increasing enrollment in the Ingham Health Plan; expanding prescription drug coverage;
developing programs which offer all employers, in conjunction with their employees, a
means for providing basic health insurance coverage; utilizing federally qualified Health
Center status to access federal funding for health programs; and encouraging vendors
providing goods and services to Ingham County to provide health insurance, where
appropriate, to their employees. (Human Services)
Supporting Recreational Opportunities
- �Enhance recreational opportunities throughout Ingham County through implementation of
the County Parks Master Plan, focusing on connection of Ingham County Parks by a series
of non-motorized pathways; and identification of funding for construction of a splash
playground at Hawk Island Park. (County Services)
Providing Appropriate Sanctions
- �Encourage the use of appropriate sanctions for adults in order to foster appropriate behavior
and reduce criminal recidivism, and to reduce incidents of jail overcrowding, using strategies
such as supporting implementation of the Jail Overcrowding Subcommittee
recommendations, pursuing renovation of the jail to accommodate more work release
inmates, develop and use a data tracking system focusing on system volume and trends, and
supporting appropriate usage of existing probation residential services. (Law Enforcement,
ADOPTED-MAY 13, 2003
Agenda Item No. 9
Fostering Appropriate Youth Development
- �Implement recommendations resulting from the system-wide evaluation of programs and
placements for delinquent juveniles, and from the development of strategies by the Youth
Violence Prevention Coalition, utilizing Child Care Funds and juvenile millage funds to
expand the juvenile justice system in a manner that is most appropriate for Ingham County
in order to foster appropriate behavior, apply appropriate sanctions, and reduce criminal
recidivism. (Judiciary)
- �Review and assess the effectiveness of Truancy Court to determine the recidivism of
youth that have been to the court, as well as the overall impact the court has made on
truancy in Ingham County.
Promoting Environmental Protection
- �Discuss and implement strategies for fostering appropriate land use and protecting natural
resources, such as adoption of a Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance, adoption
of a wetlands ordinance, creation of a Purchase of Development Rights program, and other
strategies being recommended by the Tri-County Growth Study Project. (County Services)
Enhancing Public Safety
- �Enhance emergency preparedness capabilities to protect Ingham County against all hazards,
including an emphasis on terrorism, natural disasters and accidents, by maximizing
interagency cooperation and state and federal grant funding for such purposes. (Law
Enforcement, Human Services)
- �Review the county's role in Animal Control and shelter operations, including the pursuit of
national accreditation for the animal shelter, and exploration of improved licensing
procedures in Animal Control, including the possibility of multi-year licenses and involving
veterinarians in the licensing compliance process. (Law Enforcement)
- �Maintaining and enhancing the effectiveness of road patrol services in the areas of the
County where primary law enforcement is provided by the Sheriff.
- �Explore an alternative funding mechanism for the delivery of law enforcement services
to rural areas of Ingham County.
Preventing and Controlling Disease
- �Enhance Ingham County's readiness and capability to appropriately respond to public
health threats such as anthrax, West Nile Virus, meningitis, tuberculosis, and other public
health threats and emergencies. (Human Services)
ADOPTED-MAY 13, 2003
Agenda Item No. 9
Assure Judicial Processing
- �Improve the overall jury selection system in Ingham County. (Judiciary)
- �Explore improved service to citizens and efficiencies and cost savings in the use of judicial
resources by considering consolidation of or appropriate agreements between the 54B and
55th District Courts. (Judiciary)
- �Ensure effective oversight of operations of the Ingham County Friend of the Court by
working with the Friend of the Court administration, and the Friend of the Court
Advisory Committee to properly implement the CSES Generation 2.4 computer system,
and enhance service to Ingham County families through more efficient and effective
collection of child support
Assist in Meeting Basic Needs
- �Assist in meeting the basic needs of all residents by supporting the development of affordable
housing, and by promoting housing rehabilitation. (Human Services)
- �Assess the need for an enhanced county role in assisting to meet the basic needs of county
residents negatively affected by the recent economic downturn. (Human Services)
- � Prepare for expected changes in Ingham County's demographic makeup by exploring ways
to expand and improve services for seniors, especially personal care services, and to develop
strategies to eliminate Medicaid Waiver waiting lists. (Human Services)
- �Promote county policies which encourage contractors and vendors providing services to the
county government to pay a living wage to their employees. (County Services)
Fostering Economic Well-Being
- �Continue to explore more equitable ways of financing and governing the Capital Area
Regional Airport on a regional basis. (County Services)
An Educated and Participating Citizenry
- �Continue to enhance public awareness of county activities and services and to increase the
availability of county services and records on the internet and in population centers of the
county. (County Services)
Cost Effective Delivery of County Services
- �Review the role of Community Agencies in furthering the priorities of the Ingham
County Board of Commissioners.
ADOPTED-MAY 13, 2003
Agenda Item No. 9
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners encourages all departments,
offices, and courts to consider these priorities in the development of their budgets and activities for
FINANCE: Yeas: Grebner, Swope, Dedden, Hertel, Thomas
Nays: Minter Absent: None Approved 5/7/03